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Terms and Conditions


1. These terms and conditions apply to all offers, quotations, and agreements of Spanplafond Garant, located at Muizen 2812, Peter Benoitstraat 10, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
2. By placing an order, the customer agrees to these terms and conditions.
3. Deviations from these terms and conditions are only binding if they are confirmed in writing by Spanplafond Garant.

Quotes and Offers

1. All quotes and offers from Spanplafond Garant are non-binding, unless a specific acceptance period is stated in the offer.
2. Spanplafond Garant is not bound by its quotes or offers if the customer could reasonably understand that the quotes or offers, or any part thereof, contain a clear mistake or typo.


1. The stated prices include VAT and other government charges, unless otherwise specified.
2. Price changes due to government measures may be implemented at any time and will be passed on to the customer.


1. Payment must be made within 14 days of the invoice date, in a manner specified by Spanplafond Garant and in the currency invoiced, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
2. If the customer fails to make timely payment, they are automatically in default. The customer will then owe statutory interest.


1. Delivery takes place ex-factory/store/warehouse of Spanplafond Garant.
2. The customer is required to accept the purchased items at the time they are made available to or delivered to them.

Retention of Title

1. All goods delivered by Spanplafond Garant remain the property of Spanplafond Garant until the customer has fulfilled all obligations under all agreements made with Spanplafond Garant.
2. The customer is not authorized to pledge or otherwise encumber the goods subject to the retention of title.

Warranty and Complaints

1. Spanplafond Garant guarantees that the goods to be delivered meet the usual requirements and standards that can reasonably be expected at the time of delivery and are intended for normal use.
2. The customer is obligated to inspect the delivered goods at the time of delivery. Any visible defects must be reported in writing to Spanplafond Garant within 7 days of delivery.


1. Spanplafond Garant is not liable for any damage of any kind resulting from Spanplafond Garant relying on incorrect and/or incomplete information provided by or on behalf of the customer.
2. If Spanplafond Garant is found to be liable for any damage, the liability of Spanplafond Garant is limited to a maximum of the invoice amount for the order.

Force Majeure

1. Spanplafond Garant is not obliged to fulfill any obligation towards the customer if it is hindered from doing so due to a circumstance that is not attributable to fault and is not due to any law, legal act, or prevailing norms.
2. In these terms and conditions, force majeure is understood to include, in addition to what is covered by law and case law, all external causes, whether foreseeable or not, over which Spanplafond Garant has no control but which prevent Spanplafond Garant from fulfilling its obligations.


1. Belgian law exclusively applies to all legal relationships in which Spanplafond Garant is involved.
2. The court at the location of Spanplafond Garant is exclusively competent to hear disputes, unless mandatory legal provisions dictate otherwise.

For questions or comments about these terms and conditions, you can contact us at